SLS 1.0.5 has wrong #if for exported font file

What do you want to achieve?

Use custom font via Font Manager in SLS.

What have you tried so far?

I setup font in SLS, set some object to it and I can see that font is applied to it. When I export project to C files, there is wrong #if for C files which contain exported fonts

Screenshot or video

This is same export for ui.h



  • SquareLine Studio version:
  • Operating system:
    Windows 10 x64
  • Target hardware:
    ESP32 with ILI9341 in Arduino

Although it was only for ui.h it seems there is a regression compared to the solution we discussed here.

We are thinking about what to to do with the fonts.

Until that please confirm that include mechanism from the linked post is working the fonts too.

Yes, I can confirm that is working if I change it as it is in ui.h :wink: