Components deleted when "Export UI files" v1.4

What do you want to achieve?

Export UI Files with custom components

What have you tried so far?

Used Export UI Files from Export menu

Screenshot or video

Hi, after the update from v1.3.4 to v1.4.0 custom components are being deleted when exporting ui files, “.ecomp” files are being deleted from file system.


  • SquareLine Studio version: v1.4.0
  • Operating system: Windows 11
  • Target hardware: ESP32

Thanks for the report, I’ll forward it to the respective team.

Hello, any solution for this? I tried v1.4.1 and still have the same problem.

I was exporting the UI files in the same folder where the .spj and .sll files were located. I have changed that and now I can export the UI files without any component deletion.