Have managed to build a template for the LilyGo T-Display ESP32S3 board family

Here is the Zip file and how-to-install instructions for the LilyGo T-Display template for SquareLineStudio.

arduino_tft_espi_v1_0_0_LilyGo.zip (5.4 MB)

PLEASE NOTE: this comes with caveats.
This is for information

  • Please make sure you have a backup. I am not in any way an expert in SquareLine Studio, and you add this template at your own risk.
  • I have only tested this on MacOS though I am sure it would work on a Windows machine too with the correct directory as it follows SquareLIne Studios Open Board Protocol.
  • There is a Zip file within this Zip file which amongst other things contains the libraries that SquareLineSrtudio uses to create Arduino sketches and code. I have not yet found a way to update these auto-contained Zip files. I am not too concerned about the /lvgl library but you may need to update the auto-created TFT_eSPI library with one specific for your device as each LilyGo T-Display or T-Embed device needs a specific library to operate correctly. If you do need to update the TFT_eSPI library ensure you use the library from the respective LilyGo GitHub board page.

LilyGo T-display and Touch boards GitHub Page

LilyGo T-Embed board GitHb page


  1. Download and extract the attached file
  2. Locate the SquareLIne folder on your Mac or PC
  3. Place the newly extracted folder and contents into the /SquareLine/Boards/Arduino directory as indicated in the screenshot. NB: in this image it is the second entry in the /arduino directory and the folder is called arduino_tft_espi_v1_0_0_LilyGo

  1. When you next open SquareLine Studio, you should see the LilyGo T-Display template in the Arduino section of the Create project area as per screenshot at the top of this thread.

Have fun!