Reset scrolled flex components position

What do you want to achieve?

I want to know if there’s a way to reset position of elements that have been scrolled inside a flex widget

What have you tried so far?

As you can see from the video, when I change page, sls remembers the position of a flex component. I have a page that changes the number of widgets depending the path you reach that specific page. In the video I give the possibility to delete a schedule for my feeding machine but if I’m creating a new schedule, I have to hide the delete button because it hasn’t been saved yet so there’s nothing to delete but, if I’m editing an old one, I unhide the button so the user can delete it if he desires.

I would like to reset the position of a panel that has a flex property, that has been previously scrolled, every time I load that specific page.

I could not see any button, function or event to do so.

Screenshot or video


By default, LVGL does not reset the contents of screens when switching screens. The easiest way to solve this is to turn on the Temporary check box in the Screen settings in the inspector. This means that this screen is only loaded into memory when it is displayed. So it will always be re-rendered when changing the screen, so it won’t remember the flex part either. However, this will only work in the built project, in SquareLine all screens remain in memory.