What do you want to achieve?
I’d like to have some components to be able to be exported in to a different file. So that when they are not needed they can just be omitted from compiling. Perhaps a option somewhere that could be specified per component to have it split from the main file.
Do you see alternative options and workaround to achieve it?
Currently the component needs to be manually commented out/removed. (I feel like me or someone is going to forget to do that and will push a test version somewhere its not supposed to end up)
Currently what seems to be the best option, is to name components with some specific name i.e adding “SimPC” prefix, then after generating doing find all and commenting those lines out. (In addition to removing the funtion in ui_comp.c the functions arent in the same file so they need to be found also )
Mention some use cases
This is useful for simulating the view and usage on PC with some buttons, and whatnot - seeing how things change before flashing. This would allow functionality to be shared with team members who dont have HW or SLS access to easily also see how things function and if they are up to requirements.
On the hardware obviously I wouldnt need the extra components so they could be removed by not adding in the specific file to the compilation or using a dummy file with empty functions.