Background and text color not set on roller widget, remains blue

What do you want to achieve? To show a roller with white background and black content ( text), but the background of the roller remains blue

What have you tried so far? To set the BG color to FFFFFF, and the text color to 000000, panel widget and text widget show the correct colors, but not the roller widget

Screenshot or video


  • **SquareLine Studio version: 1.4.2
  • Operating system: WIN 11
  • Target hardware: Arduino with TFT-ESPI

The roller seems strangely sized on your screenshot, as if only the selected element is seen. But nevertheless, you can set the selected middle text’s background and text colors a bit lower in the Inspector panel under ‘STYLES (SELECTED)’ section. (The ‘STYLES (MAIN)’ section only sets the non-selected elements’ colours/styles.)