Could Someone Give me Advice with Custom Widget Design in SquareLine Studio?

Hello there,

I am reaching out for some assistance with a custom widget I am trying to design in SquareLine Studio. I have been experimenting with various features; but I am hitting a bit of a roadblock and could really use some guidance.

I want to create a widget that dynamically updates based on user interactions. Specifically; I need it to display different information depending on the data input by the user. For example; if a user selects a particular option from a dropdown menu; the widget should update to show relevant details corresponding to that selection.

How can I properly bind data to my widget so that it updates in real time? :thinking:
What is the best approach for incorporating conditional logic into the widget to change its content based on user input?

Also, I have gone through this post; which definitely helped me out a lot.

Are there any best practices for ensuring that the widget remains visually appealing and functional across different devices? :thinking:

Thanks in advance for your help and assistance. :innocent:

hi, would you like to have this real-time in the editor or in the exported code? We look into this for you accordingly.

Certain interactions can be made right in SquareLine Studio by adding event to the input-widget, like for example setting a numeric content of a label based on a arc/slider’s value (like SET TEXT VALUE FROM ARC action), but the list is limited compared to the endless amount of possible combinations. So if you really like to create a custom dynamism in your UI like setting arbitrary widget-properties based on a value selected by a dropdown, you’ll need to resort to the CALL FUNCTION action in the event and do your widget-changes from the function that gets generated in ui/ui_events.c. That will require some C coding using LVGL functions.