I used 1.5.0 successfully for a CrowPanel Display (7") project. I was happy to see the WT32SC01Plus Device for selectiion for a new project but the Create Button keeps dark green (no reaction) when selecting the WT32SC01Plus Device. I would like to know if it is not fully implemnted yet or if there is something missing on my system. Thanks
Hi, I have tested that board file and it works for me. The board files are downloaded from the internet, it is possible that your firewall or antivirus is blocking the file download.
Thank you very much! I It certainly helps that my system causes the troubles.
I disabled all security I know of, no success.
Then I installed SquareLine Studio on my brandnew mini PC, there is no extra security software installed yet, WT32-SC01Plus does not even show up!
Btw: both systems Windows 11 24H2, SquareLine Studio Version 1.5.0
It would be helpfull if SquareLine Studio could indicate its problem not be able to download softwae from the internet…
Since it works for you, I’ll investigate my system further (sorry, english is not my mother tongue)
Problem solved!
SquareLineStudio reads a file named wt32_sc01_plus.slb. I had several copyies on disk.
Unfortenately, the file which was read by SquareLineStudio contained the line “supported_lvgl_version”: “8.2”,
As soon as I changed it to “supported_lvgl_version”: “8.3.11”, the Create button to create a project turned from
dark to light green and I was able to create a project. It was very helpful to know that the problem is on my system!