Today working in SLS I hit the ‘undo’ button and the work of several hours was lost, including several screens. I could not recover it because Autosave immediately kicked in.
What is the purpose of this back/undo button? it does not step back to the last action, it seems random or difficult to predict. With autosave on, it is really dangerous to use it.
Please fix this problem or make it a useful feature. This is infuriating, and for paid business software, it is reasonable to expect more.
In your project folder, there is an ‘autosave’ folder that keeps your last 10 autosaves. Depending on your autosave period, you will recover most of the work lost. Just open the archive and overwrite your current project with the one in autosave.
For me the issue starts after the first undo. Then the Squareline Studio stops recording any further changes. Therefore since the first unde every additional Ctrl+Z just undoes from the originally recorded history, essentially forgetting every change between the first undo and the next one.
Also I can’t even get the autosave feature to work. the only thing in Autosave is zip files, I unzip them and then move the .spj to and replace the file in my main director but no matter what I do it only opens my project back from the last save point hours before I pressed the STUPID undo button. This is unacceptable for paid software to have a bit of core functionality Fail in such a spectacular way.
The undo engine will be priorized and fully improved very soon according to my current understanding. You can set the auto-save interval to as small as 5 minutes in the preferences for now…
The Undo engine was totally fixed and made faster in SquareLine Studio 1.4.1, but you need to select it in Preferences to be enabled. (It was set to 50 in the dropdown but it should really be changed from it to a different nonzero value at least one time to be turned on if it was not set already, e.g. on a fresh install. In SquareLine v1.4.2 the default undo-history size value 50 will be effective even on fresh install.)