Gif size limitation


Is there a limitation when using gif.

C.ui_BootAnimation = C.lv_gif_create(C.ui_BootScreen)

C.lv_gif_set_src(C.ui_BootAnimation, (unsafe.Pointer)(&C.ui_img_boot_animation_gif))//ui_img_boot_animation_gif //ui_img_spinner_animation_gif

C.lv_obj_align(C.ui_BootAnimation, C.LV_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT, 0, 0);

I execute this code in Go lang and it works fine with a small animation.

Perhaps it is also a limitation of our project or board ?

Best Regards

GIF as any other is limited by your platform memory…


The problem seems not coming from the size. There is enough memory.

I use the online converter Online image converter - BMP, JPG or PNG to C array or binary | LVGL to convert my gif with raw and c array.

We get an error that there is no global color table.

gif_open: no global color table

Do you know how to solve this problem ?

Thank you

Best Regards

I used this tool : Optimize animated GIF - SVM_Boot_Animation.gif

Now the gif is displayed but the speed is very slow.

Is there a way to speed up the gif ?

Thank you.

Best Regards

I used the same tool to speed up my gif to 150% but on my board it look the same as before.

Too slow !

Why you mean it be quick ? How is your platfomr how is your WxH gif …