How can I create a Button matrix control in SquareLine Studio?

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How can I create a Button matrix control in SquareLine Studio?


  • **SquareLine Studio version:v1.3.2
  • **Operating system:Windows10
  • **Target hardware:ESP32-S3

I’d recommend using the Panel widget and adding the number of buttons you want in this panel, resizing the buttons and panel to desired shape. Not exactly the perfect solution but at least will have similar functionality.


Do you mean that Square currently does not support Button matrix control?

Looks like a lot of the features offered by LVGL library aren’t yet implemented in Squareline Studio. So in answer to your question yes button matrix control is not supported.

Hi, the LVGL button matrix is not yet a supported widget in SLS. The easiest way to create a button matrix is to activate the flex layout on the BtnMatrixPanel widget. This way, the objects in the panel widget will be arranged as you want.