HTTP Requests functions

What do you want to achieve?

I want to be able to use HTTP requests to get entity states and set entity states for Home Assistant, As seen in this video Youtube Video as seen at around 18:27. Really, I’d be super excited to just figure out how to make basic http requests using the call function feature. I cannot seem to find a guide explaining how to use HTTP with LVGL whatsoever. I’ve been searching for months. I’ve tried contacting the uploader of the linked video to no avail.

What have you tried so far?

Not much, I’ve been struggling to find any kind of examples or tutorials.

Screenshot or video


  • SquareLine Studio version: Current
  • Operating system:
  • Target hardware: 3.5" Elecrow Display “ESP Terminal RGB” - same one available as an example in Squareline Studio

AFAIK LVGL has no such feature as http-request, so you’ll probably need to look that up separately. If you have the http-request it would only be the matter of putting it into the corresponding LVGL callback-function if the http-request is of non-blocking nature. If the completion signal/result for the request is coming asynchronously (more than several milliseconds) you should handle it in another place than the callback-function not to keep LVGL from doing its cyclic housekeeping.

to be clear, i’ll be using the stock HTTP library from arduino, I’m just trying to figure out how to use functions for this, within lvgl.

This related post mentioning an existing case might help: Http.begin function is making my ui slow and laggy - #5 by Hermit