If LV_USE_KEYBOARD == 0 then error in _ui_keyboard_set_target() function

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    If LV_USE_KEYBOARD == 0 then error in _ui_keyboard_set_target() function.
    I don’t use a keyboard in my project.
    In order to avoid an error, I think that you need to check the use of this widget at the export stage or add something like to the project template
void _ui_keyboard_set_target(lv_obj_t * keyboard, lv_obj_t * textarea);


void _ui_keyboard_set_target(lv_obj_t * keyboard, lv_obj_t * textarea)
    lv_keyboard_set_textarea(keyboard, textarea);

in the corresponding files.
A similar error occurs if other unused widgets are disabled, for example, LV_USE_TEXTAREA, LV_USE_SPINBOX, etc.