Lilygo Round 2.8" screen shows nothing

Hello, I bought Lilygo round 2.8 T-RGB screen, set all Arduino parameters from their site, provided samples works fine, but when I compile (without any errors) SLS project, screen shows nothing, as I see not even backlight working. Sorry for my dumb question but I cant find solution in 3 days :-(.

If you used SquareLine Studio Arduino TFT_eSPI board-template, it doesn’t take care of your display and its driver, if that display is not included in TFT_eSPI. I guess you need to add the library for the right board and display-driver in Arduino SDK/IDE and include the corresponding code to init and use (flush) it, instead of using the TFT_eSPI. Arduino IDE has its own library-handling that’s not affected much by SquareLine Studio. If TFT_eSPI driver is not usable for your display-model at all, it’s maybe better to only use the ‘ui’ folder and lv_conf.h generated by SquareLine Studio by copying into your established project sample. You can even create a board-template if you’d like to create SquareLine Studio projects for your board many times, the corresponding description: Open Board Platform (OBP) | SquareLine Studio
It’s possible that SquareLine Studio will support LilyGo displays better in the future by default. For the moment you can find many topics about this device already in the forum, or maybe even more at LVGL and Arduino forums… good luck.

You say there are working Arduino examples for this display. If you point out one of them that worked for you (the simplest one, preferably with LVGL involved), we can at least help you for now by giving more detailed instruction of how you can make a SquareLine Studio board-template from it.

Yestedray at late night :slight_smile: finaly managed to work, to do this I deleted almost all code from ui.ino file, used Lilygo suplied libraries of lvgl, now code of ui.ino looks like this:

#include <LilyGo_RGBPanel.h>
#include <LV_Helper.h>
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include <ui.h>

LilyGo_RGBPanel panel;

void setup()

// Initialize T-RGB, if the initialization fails, false will be returned.
if (!panel.begin()) {
    while (1) {
        Serial.println("Error, failed to initialize T-RGB"); delay(1000);

// Call lvgl initialization


Serial.println( "Setup done" );


void loop()
lv_timer_handler(); /* let the GUI do its work */

Later will make SLS template, thanks for advices ;-).

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Great to hear that. So in the end the usual practice worked for you, i.e. using a minimal original working code as a starting base, and expanding on it. Good luck with the board-template creation.