April 17, 2024, 5:30am
Sunton has some worked out examples and SquareLine board-files here at the forum, but I guess you’ve already iterated through them.
I have attached a board I made for Squareline Studio for the Sunton ESP32_8048S050C board. This is the 5.0" display with capacitive touch. It uses ESP-IDF >= 5.0.4 and LVGL 8.3.x There is no lv_conf.h included so that will need to be added to the exported code. Be sure to enable the user data in the lv_conf.h file.
This should also work for other Sunton displays, you might have to change the pin numbers located at the top of the main.c file. This uses the rgb panel API that is in the esp_lcd co…
Yes I moved my function calls there!
LVGL9 shouldn’t be used yet because it has a changed API. So you’re at a good path by switching back to 8.3 branch of LVGL. From your error log it seems your Arduino build still wants to get a source (lv_windows.c) which is only present in LVGL9 and not in LVGL8 (where drivers are still at a different external ‘lv_drivers’ folder).
Arduino IDE does a lot of things in the background that you can’t see but hopefully it helps if you completely exit Arduino IDE, and start from a totally new export,…
Maybe there are better working examples at ESP site or github pages for ESP-IDF toolchain, at least the ESP-IDF route for an ESP board is worth a try if the Arduino-IDE way fails.