Screen is not visible in editor

What do you want to achieve?

Edit my screen…

What have you tried so far?


Screenshot or video


  • SquareLine Studio version: 1.42
  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • Target hardware: ESP32

My squareline project has 10 screen but only 9 are showing in SL Editor. I can edit all widget on that screen and it is shown in play mode and also in my compiled projekt. No error while loading project.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance

No one any idea?

Do you mean that you created 10 screens in SquareLine Studio and one of them disappeared at some point? Is the ‘missing’ one shown in the ‘Screens’ panel list at least, or not at all? Or is it just maybe moved somewhere in the canvas accidentally, and you might see it if you zoom out?


is it visible in the screens pane and also when in playmode. And also works fine in my exported project but i can´t edit it. Even after zoom and scroll the screens…


Error found. Both screens were on top of each other and therefore one was not visible.