Squareline Studio bug Assets don't delete

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong.

Or it’s a Squareline Studio bug.

What can it be ?

I put some images in the assets and I can’t delete them at all.

I click on the image and click the delete button and it doesn’t delete.

And the annoying thing is that some are compiled and sent to code.

How can I delete these images?

A work around is delete them using your file explorer. Navigate to your assets folder and delete the ones that are not used. If only some assets are compiled, that means those assets are being used somewhere in the SDS project. SDS also has a Project Settings called “Force export all images” which will compile all assets, even the ones not used.

At first I’m not referring to compilation.

More yes to the files that exist on the Squareline Studio screen.

I still don’t understand.

So the way to delete a file that was included is manually in the folder?

This is not a bug, is the software really like that?

I solved the problem by manually deleting the files. But I confess that this is not intuitive.

I thought that by placing the files there, I could delete them by clicking and pressing DELETE

If the software does not yet have this feature, this is an honest suggestion. And not as a criticism, your software is incredible!! And I love squareline studio

Hi, thanks for the feedback, we will solve it in the future so that the images can be deleted from the assets panel.

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