SquareLine Studio v1.2.0 is available!

Hi guys,

I’m happy to let you know that SquareLine Studio v1.2.0 is available with many bug fixes and even more new features :slight_smile:

  • We have created a portable license option for small and large business licenses.
  • We have added the Flex layout.
  • We made the chart full featured to create complex charts right in the editor.
  • The list of supported development boards is now updated automatically, so you will always see the latest boards without installing a new SquareLine Studio version.

You can get the new version from the usual Download page.

If you find any issue, please open a new topic here.

Happy SquareLine-ing! :slight_smile:

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Can you please clarify how this license works?

Your documentation states all licenses are portable since v1.2. Does this mean since installing v1.2, or purchasing a license since v1.2?

I have installed v1.2 on two computers but my SMALL_BUSINESS_YEAR will only show up if it is revoked. I must revoke it to use on the other computer. Revoking decrements my “REMAINING REVOKE” online. This is behaving as your original method. Seems like my license will be unusable once the revoke count runs out.

I was hoping that I could be logged into my account on both computers but could only open a project on one. After closing SDS, I could open it on my other computer and use.

Sorry, it was incorrectly stated in the document. Our initial plan was to really enable the Portable license for everyone, but finally decided to switch to Portable license based on request for a short time while we can be sure it’s working properly.

So if you wish we can change your licence type.

The improvements are amazing, thank you!

The chart would be better served if the widget size included the axis + labels, otherwise complex layouts are impossible. Maybe there are better ways to control the space consumption, but it’s great to see my older project with chart working, I just can’t work out how much space to allocate for labels, also could be helped if the minimum and maximums for axis’ could be empty for Automatic ranging (max and min of dataset).

I’d also be ever so grateful if the tab and shift-tab options to move between boxes worked as expected, makes such a difference when adjusting top/left/bottom/right boxes to be able to go back a box, and the tabIndex or ordering is often strange.

Thanks for the clarification. I have made the request to change my license via your contact form. I will let you know if I discover any issues with it.

Hi portable license for minimum 2 PCs without revoke is normal required. I now test 1.2 home and cant run it… Pls solve this

@Marian_M here is solution to your post…

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Where you see solution link or info , i dont. And i write , that developers require more as one PC i for example use 1 Win 1 Linux 1 Home

Solution is that if you want to enable Portable licence, you should contact SLS support. if you do not have paid plan, you can register more than one email address and use each address for diiferent PC/ntb and share your projects between machines.

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