The issue has been detected with the wrapping text for Label. Please, test the following settings for standard button and it text label:
I also found that ‘text off’ (are this mean the text when my button unchecked?) field not supported by SLS GUI and not displayed.
Keyboard widget. How to gain access to some ‘awesome font based’ buttons? For example, in SLS ‘play’ mode I need to close keyboard widget if button with code ‘3’ is pressed?
Is it keyboard widget can be customized (add/remove buttons…)?
TextArea and it positioning. My TextArea have the settings below. It’s a bit difficult to position it on display field, it have a wrong behavior to moving slightly up and down. It also happens in Play mode like in the video. Could you fix this in next release?
At this moment you can add a custom layout only manually after calling ui_init() in the exported code.
The close event can be handles by adding a call function event with VALUE CAHNGED trigger and get the ID of the selected button with lv_btnmatrix_get_selected_btn(ui_keyboard).
It’s really a minor bug with text area in SLS. If you select one line mode the height should be always CONTENT but now SLS lets you modify it. As a workaround please set the height to CONTENT manually.