Meter/Gauge support in SLS
Do you see alternative options and workaround to achieve it?
Useful for home automation displays etc.
Meter/Gauge support in SLS
Useful for home automation displays etc.
Now you can add it to your code …
? I can see how to add it from this post
But it would still be nice and keep a SLS consistency if there was a widget for it and also less time consuming by seeing the output in the GUI instead of having to upload unless there is another application to view lvgl code?
From post ?? Maybe you need first read Meter (lv_meter) — LVGL documentation then use example create your code, and if you have problem show code here and ask.
And yes i agree , that add meter is good ,but this widget is width area customizable and is not easy create gui interface for. But NXP Guider have it …
And your try with ARC is good choice, but too need call methods in code. Try
lv_arc_align_obj_to_angle(arc, obj_to_align, radius_offset)
and or
lv_arc_rotate_obj_to_angle(arc, obj_to_rotate, radius_offset)