Animation test for start screen

What do you want to achieve?

I would like to make fade-in, fade-out animation with my logo. How can I test it in SL?

What have you tried so far?

I added logo and setup animation and events in SL.

Screenshot or video



  • SquareLine Studio version:
  • Operating system:
    Win 10
  • Target hardware:
    ESP32 with ILI9341

If I understood correctly you want a fade-in animation when the screen is loaded and after a few second play a fade-off animation, right?

Yes, I want exactly this :slight_smile:

I’ve attached a demo project which shows a simple solution.
It used 2 animations: fade in and fade out with some delay. To make it more interesting, I added a zoom animation too. In case of zoom and rotation don’t forget to set the pivot point on the inspector panel.
I’ve created the events on the screen with SCREEN_LOAD_START trigger. I added a pla animation action and a screen change action with some delay.

logo_anim (25.5 KB)

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I also want to implement the above.

However, the project in the file attached to the above article does not open in sqareline stduio.

The loading screen no longer progresses.

Can you provide a sample project in version 1.4.1?

  • SquareLine Studio version:
  • Operating system:
    Win 11
  • Target hardware:

It is a 2022 post though, but please try to proceed with the demo described in the earlier post - it should work that way.