Can you add Guition ESP32-4848S040 into the Boards List?

Can you please add the Guition ESP32-4848S040 (4" 480x480 LCD with ESP32S3) to the Boards List ?
It looks as E32S3RGB40 - MaTouch 4-inch Parallel 480x480 IPS TFT model from Makerfabs
but the connection for LCD is different:

Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel bus = new Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel(
39 /
CS /, 48 / SCK /, 47 / SDA /,
18 /
DE /, 17 / VSYNC /, 16 / HSYNC /, 21 / PCLK /,
11 /
R0 /, 12 / R1 /, 13 / R2 /, 14 / R3 /, 0 / R4 /,
8 /
G0 /, 20 / G1 /, 3 / G2 /, 46 / G3 /, 9 / G4 /, 10 / G5 /,
4 /
B0 /, 5 / B1 /, 6 / B2 /, 7 / B3 /, 15 / B4 */
Arduino_ST7701_RGBPanel gfx = new Arduino_ST7701_RGBPanel(
RST /, 0 / rotation /,
true /
IPS /, 480 / width /, 480 / height /,
st7701_type1_init_operations, sizeof(st7701_type1_init_operations), true /
BGR /,
10 /
hsync_front_porch /, 8 / hsync_pulse_width /, 50 / hsync_back_porch /,
10 /
vsync_front_porch /, 8 / vsync_pulse_width /, 20 / vsync_back_porch */);


Thanks for the suggestion, we’ll look into the Guition displays. We only put popular boards in the SquareLine launcher, which are used by many people. But you can create the unique board file yourself, you can find a tutorial video about it here:

I have a 4848S040C-IY3 and i create one. Hope this works

Compiling exported files in Arduino shows error missing esp32_smartdisplay.h

Try in PlatformIO.

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