I have come to learn that functions such as rotation cannot be applied to indexed colors. For the sake of file size, I plan to adjust and apply it by using the C Array method or reading the file directly.
This is not a good answer because data using online image converters cannot be rotated or alpha processed.
must use a decoder such as PNG or GIF to change it to a format that allows image synthesis.
I haven’t seen the source code, so I can’t be certain, but it appears that image compositing is done in a memory buffer for faster image processing. The issue seems to arise because the image buffers have different formats. The image operation function needs to be developed in such a way that it handles images with differing bit counts separately.
To use LVGL effectively, images should be converted to a different bit count before processing to save memory. Therefore, I plan to store the files in NVS and load them as 32-bit when needed.
I don’t plan to use that approach since I expect to load all pixel arrays into memory.