Edit attributes of an object, and see the changes as I edit the object
What have you tried so far?
Editing the object attributes
I always have to find the object back in the tree, and see the changes, alter any attribute and find the object again.
It’s like a WYSISETWYEAYNTFIB editor (What You See Is Something Else Than What You Expected And You Need To Find It Back)
It seems to be a problem with the case of (nested) tabview/tabpage widget. I couldn’t reproduce losing the focus with a similar setup, but thanks for the feedback, I’ll open a ticket for it. (Meanwhile it would be nice to know if the console outputs any information for you while the focus gets lost.)
It’s indeed related to the nested tabview. But I can see no reason it continues to behave like this, the editor becomes hard to use with this bug.
Nothing at all in the Console tab (Python server console).
Maybe it’s worth a check if this behaviour changed in SquareLine Studio v1.4.1. I checked it, and this problem seemed to disappear, still not perfect though, but maybe more usable by now…
No, it did not (magically) disappear and I’d like it to be fixed anyway. As a strong supporter of you product (and a paying customer BTW), I think this should be taken care of quickly.
Thank you !