Error when dragging and dropping images from assets to the screen

When I drag and drop an image from the assets section to the screen, it doesn’t show the image, it only shows a small frame and my image is not visible. How to fix this error?

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It’s strange bucause the image is seen on the right, so it seems you added it successfully to the assets. Somehow it didn’t get converted by the built-in image-converter in the background, or the converted image is not shown by the micropython server used in SquareLine Studio to display the screen. There are some restrictions on the image size and format, I guess you should check if the size of the image is less than 2048x2048 (a limit in LVGL) and whether it’s of RGB (not indexed) PNG format.
A different testing method whether the image is processable can be LVGL’s online image converter: Online image converter - BMP, JPG or PNG to C array or binary | LVGL.
If converting it to adequate format still doesn’t help you can check in the Console for possible error messages of the micropython-server…

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The image you sent appears to be a screenshot of SquareLine Studio showing an image widget with a missing image. There are a couple of things you can try to fix this error:

  • Adjust the size of the image: The image you are trying to use might be too large for the image widget. Try resizing the image in an image editing program like Photoshop or GIMP before adding it to your project.
  • Check the image format: SquareLine Studio supports a variety of image formats, including PNG, JPEG, and BMP. Make sure the image you are trying to use is in one of these supported formats.
  • Refresh the image: Sometimes, SquareLine Studio can take a moment to refresh the image widget after you have added an image. Try closing and reopening the project, or selecting a different widget and then selecting the image widget again.
  • Check for bugs: If you are still having trouble, it is possible that you have encountered a bug in SquareLine Studio. You can check the SquareLine Studio forum for known bugs and workarounds, or report the bug to the SquareLine Studio developers. You can find the forum here:

If none of these solutions work, you can try contacting SquareLine Studio support for further assistance.

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