ESP32-8048S070 7"inch display only showing gray screen while running Futuristic Ebike example

This is the first time i am using squareline studio. I’ve exported the Futuristic Ebike example from 1.3.0 and added it to a previously working lvgl project.
The project compiled and uploaded to the dev board but it only shows a gray screen.

only using 2% cpu and getting max fps.
Anyone know what is the problem.
The project link is.

Please enable LVGL’s logging to see what could be the problem: Logging — LVGL documentation

It worked for new sample projects that i’ve made it’s only problem for the example one.

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Probably the examples are using too much RAM. What if you increase LV_MEM_SIZE in lv_conf.h?

bonjour a toi. s’il te plait j’ai acheter ce meme ecran recement et jarrive pas a compiler des exemples que j’exportes depuis squareline studio. par contre jarrive a faire fonctionner les exemples widgets et music depuisarduino IDE et arduino GFX. j’aimerais de l’aide j’ai pas d’experience avec lvgl et SLD. existe t’il un modele square line studio pour cet ecran?