I recently bought a 240X240 display with an embedded ESP32 C3 board with touch.
On Squareline I did the simple program to display a label, nothing fancy. Exported the template files, changed the arduino root to exported folder, updated the driver to GC9A01 inside exported TFT_eSPI UserSetup.h file.
I see the following logs when the code is uploaded to device from Arduino
entry 0x403cc710
Build:Feb 7 2021
rst:0x8 (TG1WDT_SYS_RST),boot:0xc (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Saved PC:0x40380082
And the display never turns on. I am newbie to Squareline and LVGL, what might I have done wrong. Here are the pins that I used
// For ESP32 Dev board (only tested with GC9A01 display)
// The hardware SPI can be mapped to any pins
#define TFT_MISO 5
#define TFT_MOSI 2
#define TFT_SCLK 15
#define TFT_CS 17 // Chip select control pin
#define TFT_DC 16 // Data Command control pin
#define TFT_RST 4 // Reset pin (could connect to RST pin)
#define TFT_BL 22 // LED back-light
#define TOUCH_CS 21 // Chip select pin (T_CS) of touch screen
#define TFT_WR 22 // Write strobe for modified Raspberry Pi TFT only
Attached the schematic files that the vendor provided.