Eval Failed - Name isn't defined checkerboard error

What do you want to achieve?

Opening Project loads checkered screens, error messages in the console indicate an EVAL FAILED for the first screen’s name

What have you tried so far?

I have tried modifying the screen name, re adding the project, restarting my computer and tried this same project on 2 devices. No solution has worked

Screenshot or video


  • SquareLine Studio version: 1.3.2
  • Operating system: Win 10 Pro 10.0.19045
  • Target hardware: ESP32

Hi Andrew!
This issues has been resolved through back and forth emails…
There was an error in your project caused by a chart data, specifically the number of points. Too many data points in your Chart 1 widget → delete all the zeros. If you want 0 as a value, it’s enough to write one 0. After Save and restart it worked fine.


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