Refreshing exporting UI files from command line, so can be launched by a makefile.
Very useful for complex projects, where each release includes multiple interfaces (our case, 3 display sizes, 4 marketing brands). Helps to keep deviations in sync.
There is a solution already at our disposal to open/convert/export a project by commandline arguments. I guess you’ll need to export a complete project-template not just UI files if you want to support multiple platforms. You’ll hopefully see these additions in the next release of SquareLine Studio, stay tuned.
I guess you’ll need to export a complete project-template not just UI files if you want to support multiple >platforms.
Actually, i’ts a single hw/fw platform that handles different machine types, including process control variations, and it’s a single SBC (board).
GUI is just a minor portion of that, so we do just export “ui” folder for each variation in specific folders kinda like “ui_small”, “ui_medium”, “ui_big”, and our build system will then handle the building of the different solutions. We didn’t use SLS to export target project, too many intricacies there (we do use that for GUI simulation under PC).
So it would be perfect if we can just export the “ui” where told to, not the whole project each time.