How to use it for free by individual users

How to use it for free by individual users.

What do you want to achieve?

How to use it for free by individual users.

What have you tried so far?

Login shows that the license has expired, but login displays “Communication error”, which should expire in 30 days

“Communication error” usually means that a firewall or antivirus software is blocking the communication. Can it be the issue in your case?

Which OS do you use?

I use windows11

I have tried VPN, but it still doesn’t work. I wonder if I should set up my account so that it can support personal free learning.

Please send the logs of SLS from
C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\LocalLow\Game-Ever Bt_\SquareLine_Studio\Player.log
Or you can send it directly to me to

Hello, log is as follows, please

Mono path[0] = 'F:/SquareLine Studio/SquareLine_Studio_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = 'F:/SquareLine Studio/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Initialize engine version: 2020.3.32f1 (12f8b0834f07)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path F:/SquareLine Studio/SquareLine_Studio_Data/UnitySubsystems
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
d3d12: loaded!
    Version:         Direct3D 12 [level 12.1]
    Renderer:        NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU (ID=0x2560)
    VRAM:            6023 MB
    App VRAM Budget: 5255 MB
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
- Completed reload, in  0.055 seconds
<RI> Initializing input.
<RI> Input initialized.
<RI> Initialized touch support.
UnloadTime: 1.116200 ms
Search for elos in directory: objects\basics
Search for elos in directory(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics
Test elo file: objects\basics\arc.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\arc.elojb
Test elo file: objects\basics\arc.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\arc.png
Test elo file: objects\basics\button.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\button.elojb
Test elo file: objects\basics\button.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\button.png
Test elo file: objects\basics\image.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\image.elojb
Test elo file: objects\basics\image.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\image.png
Test elo file: objects\basics\label.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\label.elojb
Test elo file: objects\basics\label.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\label.png
Test elo file: objects\basics\object.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\object.elojb
Test elo file: objects\basics\object.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\object.png
Test elo file: objects\basics\panel.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\panel.elojb
Test elo file: objects\basics\panel.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\panel.png
Test elo file: objects\basics\textarea.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\textarea.elojb
Test elo file: objects\basics\textarea.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\basics\textarea.png
Search for elos in directory: objects\controller
Search for elos in directory(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller
Test elo file: objects\controller\calendar.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\calendar.elojb
Test elo file: objects\controller\calendar.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\calendar.png
Test elo file: objects\controller\checkbox.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\checkbox.elojb
Test elo file: objects\controller\checkbox.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\checkbox.png
Test elo file: objects\controller\colorwheel.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\colorwheel.elojb
Test elo file: objects\controller\colorwheel.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\colorwheel.png
Test elo file: objects\controller\dropdown.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\dropdown.elojb
Test elo file: objects\controller\dropdown.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\dropdown.png
Test elo file: objects\controller\imgbutton.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\imgbutton.elojb
Test elo file: objects\controller\imgbutton.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\imgbutton.png
Test elo file: objects\controller\keyboard.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\keyboard.elojb
Test elo file: objects\controller\keyboard.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\keyboard.png
Test elo file: objects\controller\roller.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\roller.elojb
Test elo file: objects\controller\roller.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\roller.png
Test elo file: objects\controller\slider.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\slider.elojb
Test elo file: objects\controller\slider.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\slider.png
Test elo file: objects\controller\switch.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\switch.elojb
Test elo file: objects\controller\switch.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\controller\switch.png
Search for elos in directory: objects\functions
Search for elos in directory(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions
Search for elos in directory: objects\functions\properties
Search for elos in directory(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\properties
Test elo file: objects\functions\properties\bar_property.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\properties\bar_property.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\properties\basic_property.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\properties\basic_property.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\properties\dropdown_property.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\properties\dropdown_property.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\properties\image_property.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\properties\image_property.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\properties\label_property.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\properties\label_property.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\properties\roller_property.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\properties\roller_property.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\properties\slider_property.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\properties\slider_property.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\callfunction.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\callfunction.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\changescreen.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\changescreen.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\EloAnimation.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\EloAnimation.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\inc_arc.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\inc_arc.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\inc_bar.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\inc_bar.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\inc_slider.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\inc_slider.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\modify_flag.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\modify_flag.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\modify_state.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\modify_state.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\opacityAnimation.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\opacityAnimation.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\playanimation.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\playanimation.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\PropertyAnimation.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\PropertyAnimation.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\settextvaluearc.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\settextvaluearc.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\settextvalueslider.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\settextvalueslider.elojb
Test elo file: objects\functions\settextvalueswitch.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\functions\settextvalueswitch.elojb
Search for elos in directory: objects\visualiser
Search for elos in directory(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\visualiser
Test elo file: objects\visualiser\bar.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\visualiser\bar.elojb
Test elo file: objects\visualiser\bar.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\visualiser\bar.png
Test elo file: objects\visualiser\chart.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\visualiser\chart.elojb
Test elo file: objects\visualiser\chart.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\visualiser\chart.png
Test elo file: objects\visualiser\spinner.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\visualiser\spinner.elojb
Test elo file: objects\visualiser\spinner.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\visualiser\spinner.png
Test elo file: objects\screen.elojb
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\screen.elojb
Test elo file: objects\screen.png
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\screen.png
Test elo file: objects\
Test elo file(full): F:\SquareLine Studio\objects\
CurrentCulture converted to en-US
go back to front
UERROR: {"errors":[{"errorCode":"ERR1002","errorMessage":"Trial license has expired"}]}
UERROR: [{"errors":[{"errorCode":"ERR0002","errorMessage":"Your email address is not verified."}]}]
NETERROR: ERROR: [{"errors":[{"errorCode":"ERR0002","errorMessage":"Your email address is not verified."}]}]
Setting up 4 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: c90 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 5af4 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 5ca0 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 10d8 -> priority: 1 
Connection closed

This the relevant part of the log:

So the problem is that your email address is not verified but the trial is already expired. Please register an account at and be sure to verify the email address.

In the next version will show these error messages in SquareLine too.

Excuse me, how can I log in now to continue to use it? Will my computer never be able to use SquareLine? :sob:

Have you registered an account? If so please send us the email address at

Hello, it has been sent, please check!
I tried to create a virtual machine to log in to my account, found that you can log in, but the host can not log in, can this be solved?

We haven’t received your email. It’s really strange. Have you used the same email address as here in the Forum?

So is it working on a virtual machine, but not on the host machine?

Hello, I have re-forwarded it to you with the correct email address, please check it!

At present, it can be used on a virtual machine, but I can’t log in on the host. How can I migrate my license to my host? this virtual machine is just an experiment.

We still don’t receive your emails. Just to test it, please write something to

If it’s not working the issue is in your SMTP.

After you have registered at did you receive a verification email?

  1. I tried to send an email to, but it was returned, indicating that this email address does not exist.

  2. But every time you answer, there will be an email reminder.

  3. I have successfully verified it on, showing “you haven’t purchased any license yet” on my account.

Thank you very much!

Ahh, my bad, I mistyped it…

Now, your email is surely verified. Please send the log again.

Hi my SquareLine startup log has been sent by email, please check it!

At present, I can log in normally, using the Beta version.

Thank you very much for your help. I can finally use the SquareLine host computer correctly.