I want to have just one keyboard, but use it on two different screens.
What have you tried so far?
I tryed to put two different keyboards, one on each screen, but looks like it do not work very well. When I upload the code to the ESP32, the screen is blocked, frozen!!
I’ll need this too in same screen by different callers but I don’t think it will be possible in SLS, using one object in many screens or panels ,
i think you can do it manually by creating it in a separate function, or use it as a component, and call it manually in exported code,
@kisvegabor , I have two different screens (Monitoring and Config). Both of them has text areas that needs to be edit by the user. I am using the standard keyboard available on SLS.
I can’t use a keyboard that is created in one screen on another screen. The keyboard don’t appears on the second screen. I was trying to use two different keyboards, each one on each screen, like below:
To help me doing this, I’m using the FLAG Hidden and the state DISABLED, but I’m frequently facing some troubles, like the ESP32 stoping to response.
@Zebra, I don’t know much about Squareline Studio and LVGL. I just found SLS some weeks ago… At this moment, I can put two panels on a same screen, each of this panels has a lot of text areas, and anyone of this textareas are using the same keyboard with success! But they are on the same screen!