Images storage optimize

What do you want to achieve?

Export ALPHA only instead 4x bigger TRUEALPHA
Place checkbox or asset choice for this.

Do you see alternative options and workaround to achieve it?


Mention some use cases

Images as this

const lv_img_dsc_t ui_img_801512769 = {
   .header.always_zero = 0,
   .header.w = 92,
   .header.h = 61,
   .data_size = sizeof(ui_img_801512769_data), = LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA,
   .data = ui_img_801512769_data};

It’d be really useful, but it required menu in which the users can configure all the image assets one by one. We are thinking about it.

I mean this can converter detect automatic. Pixels is FFFFAA or 0000AA
store only AA , ofcourse i mean FFFF as is in exported file for 16bit plus aplha…

Good idea! We are discussing it!