Pad Row / Pad Column

What do you want to achieve?

Use the Pad Row and Pad Column boxes

What have you tried so far?

Putting in 0 and 1 for two different labels inside a panel


  • SquareLine Studio version: 1.1.1

There is no mention in the documention, but a space and empty bullet point where the info should be.

@SquareLine_Support this ones for you :innocent:

Sorry but I don’t really understand what the issue is. What do you want to exactly achieve with pad row and column?

I want to understand how to use them. I also need to understand how the columns and rows work. I expected an explanation in the documentation for the Pad Row and Pad Column boxes.

At this moment they are used only for the keyboard to adjust the space between the rows of buttons and the adjacent buttons.

In v1.2 there will be flex layout and they will be used to control the spacing between the items.

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That’s incredibly useful to know, thanks!
I did just play with the keyboard / numpad and had that exact thought about customising spacing, cheers.