I want to draw a coordinates on the screen (not only click but draw on the screen same way as shown in the screenshot), as a Pattern Lock and user shall draw his patern, Squareline must give Co-Ordinates (x, y) to Arduino and if patern matches Arduino will switch on the LED.
What have you tried so far?
explored Visualiser Chart but not sure if it is possible with chart.
If you want to draw only the circles, you can easily do that by having different colours for 2 different states (like checked/unchecked), but if you want to draw those lines with arrows, that will involve using some drawing primitives, which SquareLine Studio doesn’t have by default, but LVGL should be checked for the possibilities.
Due to the continuous finger-movement, I think you can’t use the simple callbacks but need to track the ‘PRESSING’ state continuously and write a custom logic to turn the circles on/off for the user’s movement.