Read Sensor Data on Raspberry Pi 4

I currently have a code that counts and updates a value through 4 sensor and I’m looking to have it display the values to each display text on the gui.

This the code…

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

GPIO setup


Define sensor pins

sensor_pins = [19, 26, 20, 21]
num_players = 2
max_holes = 9
sensors_per_turn = 2

Set up each sensor pin as input with pull-down resistor

for pin in sensor_pins:
GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)

Initialize player data

players = [{“score”: 0, “current_hole”: 1, “detection_count”: 0} for _ in range(num_players)]
last_activation_times = {pin: 100 for pin in sensor_pins} # Track last activation times for each sensor
DEBOUNCE_TIME = 3 # Time to prevent multiple sensor readings

current_player_index = 0

def sensor_callback(channel):
global players
global last_activation_times
global current_player_index

current_time = time.time()

# Debugging: Print which channel was triggered
#print(f"Channel {channel} triggered. Detection count: {players[current_player_index]['detection_count']}")

# Check for valid detection and debounce
if current_time - last_activation_times[channel] > DEBOUNCE_TIME:
    last_activation_times[channel] = current_time
    player = players[current_player_index]
    # Only proceed if the current player has not reached the sensor limit for this turn
    if player["detection_count"] < sensors_per_turn:
        if channel == sensor_pins[0]:
            player["score"] += 3
        elif channel == sensor_pins[1]:
            player["score"] += 4
        elif channel == sensor_pins[2]:
            player["score"] += 5
        elif channel == sensor_pins[3]:
            player["score"] += 0
        player["detection_count"] += 1

        print(f"Player {current_player_index + 1} - Hole {player['current_hole']} - Score: {player['score']}")

        # Check if the player has completed their turn
        if player["detection_count"] == sensors_per_turn:
            player["current_hole"] += 1
            player["detection_count"] = 0  # Reset detection count for the next turn
            current_player_index = (current_player_index + 1) % num_players  # Move to the next player

            # Check if all players have finished 9 holes
            if all(player["current_hole"] > max_holes for player in players):
                print("All players have completed the game.")
                exit(0)  # End the program

Add event detection for each sensor pin

for pin in sensor_pins:
GPIO.add_event_detect(pin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=sensor_callback, bouncetime=3500)

print(“Waiting for sensor inputs…”)

while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print(“Exiting Program…”)
GPIO.cleanup(sensor_pins) # Clean up all sensor pins