I want to be able to change the (x,y) origin of the screen, without having to rotate every widget, and so I don’t need to perform a software rotation (for 90 and 270 degrees).
Do you see alternative options and workaround to achieve it?
Could potentially layout the screen(s) and manually rotate everything. However, This slows down design dramatically
Mention some use cases
Native screen orientation is portrait, but desired orientation is landscape. The display doesn’t support row/column swap, so rotation must be done entirely in software, causing additional draw delays
From my understanding, if this setting is used LVGL (and/or the device application) must perform a rotation of the screen with software routines at runtime. Many platforms don’t natively support this, and it can cause a bottleneck in processing especially for larger screens. Rather, if the origin could be changed to say, the bottom/left of the screen (rather than the default top/right) these rotations could be avoided. I don’t see a way to accomplish this with current verion of SLS