Segmentation fault when i try to export my project on ubuntu 24.04

What do you want to achieve?

Export my project

What have you tried so far?

Restarted my laptop, tried many versions of square line


  • SquareLine Studio version: 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.4…2 (latest)
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 24.04
  • Target hardware: Arduino TFT_eSPI (ILI9341)

Can you please send us a screenshot of it, so that we can check for you more in depth? Thanks!

First of all thanks for your reply, as a new user i can’t upload attachements but i posted a short video (13 seconds) on youtube: .

This segmentation fault in Ubuntu has been reported several times for operations trying to open file-dialog. There are several topics regarding this and the conclusion was it might be related to the Nautilus file-browser (more info in those topics). At least I’ve never faced this problem on Debian Linux with PCmanFM of LXDE.

Thank you !!!
I was able to resolve it using sudo

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