Squarline Studio with ESP32-2432S028R - ui.h: No such file or directory

What do you want to achieve?

I have an existing ESP32 project on a ESP32-2432S028R display board using LVGL 9.2 where I manually created several tabs and functions to control a machine. It works but I would like to use Squarline Studio (SLS) to build much nicer UI.

What have you tried so far?

Researched for many hours, many articles, many YouTube videos.
I have done the following:

  • created a simple test project in SLS using the Bouncing Ball example,
  • exported it to a folder as well as exporting the UI files.
  • opened Arduino IDE 2.3, set the sketchbook location to where I found the .ino file.
  • installed the needed libraries
  • moved the lv_conf.h file as needed
  • updated the User_Setup.h file to settings I know work on my existing project
  • tried using a board I downloaded called 2432S028R as well as using the standard
    When I compile the ui.ino file I get an error “Compilation error: ui.h: No such file or directory”.

Can anyone point me to current “How-To” to do this? It seems like all help I find is out of date and doesn’t work.

Screenshot or video


  • SquareLine Studio version: 9.2
  • Operating system: Windows 11
  • Target hardware: ESP32-2432S028R

Hello @Bruster999,

I took a quick look at nishad2m8’s board file on his GitHub page, and it seems that this board is still a work in progress (WIP). That might be the reason you’re experiencing issues.

Have you tried using the original board that is available for download in the Studio?
Additionally, when you export the project in Studio there is a README.md file that contains the necessary setup steps for getting started. Please check that and see if it helps.