What do you want to achieve?
I want to Import project generated with SLS 1.1.1 to SLS 1.3.0
What have you tried so far?
When I import a project, it gets stuck on project loading. However, it successfully imports all the assets.
Screenshot or video
SquareLine Studio version: 1.3.0
Operating system: Windows 10 Pro
@kisvegabor Please help.
Could you send your project to forum@squareline.io so that we can try it out?
It seems the problem is that the image assets has “ugly” names. If we renamed them to have less than 9 numbers on the ends and have no special characters it works well.
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May 30, 2023, 12:35pm
You mean firstly I have to rename all the assets directly at /SquareLine/assets/, then import the project?
Yes, if you rename the images with more than 9 digits at the end, your project will start.
Thanks, It worked.
I updated all the assets name.
one more issue, I’m not able use save as option to save the project at newer location.
When I do so, I get below error-
You probably tried to save with the save as function to the opened projects.
July 4, 2023, 6:18am
yes, I wanted to save with different project name at different location.