Stuck on "Project loading in progress" when opening old project

What do you want to achieve?

I want to open a project created in an older version of Squareline Studio.

What have you tried so far?

I have imported the project, then attempted to open. After the first occurence of this problem I deleted the project, closed the application, then tried again.
I have opened the log to see if there is anything I could do myself.

Screenshot or video



Project Loading in progress
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/Mada-Black.ttf
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/Mada-Bold.ttf
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/Mada-ExtraLight.ttf
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/Mada-Light.ttf
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/Mada-Medium.ttf
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/Mada-Regular.ttf
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/Mada-SemiBold.ttf
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/OFL.txt
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_avgmax.bin
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_avgmax.c
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_avgmax.fcfg
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Date.bin
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Date.c
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Date.fcfg
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Hour.bin
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Hour.c
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Hour.fcfg
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Metric.bin
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Metric.c
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Metric.fcfg
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Number.bin
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Number.c
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_Number.fcfg
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_status.bin
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_status.c
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_status.fcfg
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_title.bin
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_title.c
File/directory added from outside: assets/font/Mada/ui_font_title.fcfg
File/directory added from outside: assets/-Background-Good.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/Background--Fair.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/Background--Poor.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/Background-Very Good.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/Background-Very poor.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/CO2.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/ellipse.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/fair.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/good.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/humidity.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/humidity_icon.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/line.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/mask.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/NOxindex_icon.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/offline.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/PM 10.0_icon.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/PM 2.5_icon.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/PM 5.0_icon.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/PM1.0-10_icon.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/poor.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/swipe-icon.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/temperature.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/temperature_icon.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/very-good.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/very-poor.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/VOCindex_icon.png
File/directory added from outside: assets/wifi.png
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at ĩĪĪĪĪĩĩĪĪĪĩĩĩĪĩĪĩĩĪĩĪĩĪĩĩĪĪĪĩĪĪĩĩĪĩĪĪĩĪĩĪĪĪĪĪĩĪ.ĪĪĪĪĩĩĩĪĩĩĩĪĩĪĪĩĩĪĪĩĩĩĪĩĩĩĩĪĩĩĩĪĪĪĪĪĪĩĩĪĪĪĩĩĪĪĪ (ProjectManager+ProjectInfo ĩĪĩĩĪĩĪĪĩĪĪĩĪĪĩĪĪĩĩĩĪĪĪĪĪĩĩĪĩĩĩĪĩĩĪĪĪĪĩĩĩĪĪĪĪĪĩ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
  at ProjectManager+ĩĩĪĪĩĪĪĪĪĩĪĩĩĪĩĩĩĩĩĪĩĩĩĩĪĩĪĪĪĪĩĩĩĩĩĪĩĪĩĩĩĩĪĩĩĪĪ+<<LoadProjectAsync>g__Action|0>d.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 


  • SquareLine Studio version:
  • Operating system:
  • Target hardware:

Can you please specify which version you used for your old project?

Unfortunately I don’t know which version was originally used, it was a long time ago and we have updated many times since then.
Is there any way to determine this from the original project files? We still have a copy of them which have not been imported.

Hi Sofi,

Can you assist further?


Please send us the log you find here, we’re sure we’ll find more information about the problem: Troubleshooting | SquareLine Studio

Hello @Sofi @SquareLine_Support

Please find the log here: 3.8 KB file on MEGA

@Sofi @SquareLine_Support

Are you able to assist with this?
It has now been 3 weeks since I reported this issue and response has been painfully slow and unhelpful so far.

@slori @SquareLine_Support

Over a month later and I’l still waiting on some support.
Can someone please provide guidance?

Dear @slori,

Thank you for providing the log. We have reviewed it, but unfortunately, it does not reveal the cause of the issue. A more in-depth investigation is required. If you would like dedicated support, please contact us through the contact page on our website.