What do you want to achieve?
Define (optimaly one) style for switch in state FOCUSED or (CHECKED and FOCUSED)
What have you tried so far?
now only unchecked FOCUSED work
Screenshot or video
SquareLine Studio version: 1.2.3
- Operating system:
Target hardware: ESP
I think what you would need is a CHECKED | FOCUSED
option here:

We can add it easily in the next release.
If this in code set FOCUS_KEY then yes otherwise no
I check 1.3.0 and same problem. Missing setup for required styles.
If in project setup is set 8.3.x then all in this version need exist.
Objects — LVGL documentation
The ideal case would be to have check boxes for states here too to allow selecting any combinations.
What we can do in the next release for sure is adding CHECKED | FOCUSED