Turn off dark mode

Hi folks,

Is there a way to make SquareLine Studio not be in dark mode? I can’t use it in dark mode as my eyes can’t deal with it properly.


Unfortunately it has only dark mode now. :frowning:

Wow. That’s too bad. I really wanted to use it. Why does everything have to be in dark mode lately? Sigh.

Thanks for the quick response.


I joined this forum for the sole purpose of reiterating the importance of being able to turn off dark mode. Dark mode is non-accessible for many people, far more than light mode is non-accessible. There’s a lot that’s been written about it, so I’ll leave it to the devs to read up on it if they’re interested, but in a nutshell if you have astigmatism-- as I and a very large subset of people do-- then dark mode increases eye strain. In some of us-- me again-- it is an instant source of headaches.

To be clear, not long term eye strain, but instant headaches. On any given interface, I can use dark mode just long enough to turn it off. That’s 10-30 seconds, depending on how bright it is outside.

That means that SquareLine, an app designed to make interfaces which in theory should be accessible to the interface audience, is itself not accessible to its intended audience.

That’s a shame, the website makes it looks like interesting software, and I’m very appreciative of the 30 day trial because it let me determine within 30 seconds that this software is not something I would want to buy.

As per our experience, the majority of the designers use dark mode as on bigger screens it is much better for the eyes. We have no plans at this point to have light mode, thank you though for your above insights!