UART Rx & Tx interface using the waveshare ESP32-S3 7 inch display using SquareLine Studio

I’m a beginner to SquareLine Studio. I have a question, I’m trying to send some data & Text from my microcontroller through UART interface to the Wave share ESP32-S3 7 inch LCD (SKU 27078). How can UART interface be initialized in SquareLine Studio? Also I’m trying to Transmit (TX) back to the microcontroller to start an Operation. Any help as to where to start will be appreciated.

Unfortunately, this cannot be initialized in SquareLine Studio, as it is backend (hardware-dependent) code. In SquareLine Studio, you can design a UI using the LVGL library and then export its code. I would recommend reading the microcontroller’s documentation, checking example codes, and visiting the manufacturer’s forum for further assistance or to ask questions.