We tried your squareline_Studio, it's a great product, but no e-ink support. Can you add it quickly?

What do you want to achieve?

e-ink support

Do you see alternatives and workarounds to achieve this?


Mention some use cases

Good-Display E-ink


E-ink displays can be used in the following way:

  1. Choose 8 bit color depth in SLS
  2. Export the UI files as described here.
  3. Set a set_px_cb in you display driver.


What tools from Squareline would work when developing a simlple monochrome display? Only text? Or is there a way to benefit from some simple geometry (such as panels)?

Board I intend to try is the Heltec LoRa V2 (0.96" 128x64px).


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LVGL supports 1 bit color depth and features for monochrome displays, but SLS focuses on colorful TFTs.

For such a simple UI I suggest using LVGL directly.