Project failed to open in new version of Squareline Studio

What do you want to achieve?

Open project that is good in previous version, v1.2.1. However, right after I upgraded to v1.2.2, the project failed to open.

What have you tried so far?

I tried to close Squareline Studio (SLS) and reopen again. But the problem persists.

Error Code on console

Project Loading in progress
Listening on
Free memory: 536052992
Client connected from
EVAL FAILED: can't assign to expression
EXCEPTION BB SEND name 'ui_ScreenManual' isn't defined
EVAL FAILED: name 'ui_ScreenMenuConfigEditMenu' isn't defined
EXCEPTION BB SEND name 'ui_ScreenManual' isn't defined
EXCEPTION BB SEND name 'ui_ScreenMenuConfigEditMenu' isn't defined 

Screenshot or video


  • SquareLine Studio version: v1.2.2
  • Operating system: Windows 11
  • Target hardware: ESP32-S3

Could this be your issue?

No widgets displayed - Bugs - Forum - SquareLine Studio


The new version of SquareLine Studio is already available. We have fixed this problem.

The problem appears to persist on v1.2.3 as well. See screenshot

screenshot of assets and their filenames. The problem started after I added an image onto the screen.

removing a component and re-adding fixed it.